Sunday, March 31, 2013


Friday was a somber night.

The last year that we've spent at New City Church had been spent growing in grace and experiencing the goodness of God's love through the redemption of Christ's sacrifice of the cross. It has been a victorious year in our spiritual life as a family. We have been encouraged and convicted. We have surrendered things and in that experienced freedom. We have sacrificed and experienced joy. 

However, Friday night was... Different. 

As we walked into church we were welcomed by two amazing pieces of art by Bruce Herman. The conception of Jesus, and His crucifixion. As we worshipped, together as a church we read though prayers and scriptures together... (seems normal right) But these were not victorious prayers. These were confession prayers.

"For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you have me to drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me." - Matthew 25:42-43

It just didn't sit right with me. I love God. I'm not someone that would turn Him away. I've dedicated my whole life to Him. I've sacrificed for Him. I've given to His church. I've served in ministry. I pray for people. Even part of me said, "No! I'm not going to pray this prayer." 

... But at the same time, almost as one fluent thought together, God set me in my place. I am that sinner. It is my fault Jesus is up on that cross. Any and everything good in me has nothing to do with who I am, but all to do with who He has made me! 

I have been living in the victory of the cross and have forgotten my sinful nature that lead Jesus there.  I know full well of the past He has saved me from, but it was a fresh and painful confession. . . I suck. 

My husband said that night was like wave after wave of God cleansing us and taking away our guilt. He did not yet know what God was speaking to my heart. 

Good Friday takes on a whole new view when you sit down and pray, "God, this is my fault." The phrase in my heart was "I need to fess up!!" It's not that I had some habitual sin or something specifically that I was struggling with. On the contrary, as I first mentioned... It has been a year of growth. But the reality of the cross... The severity of my debt... The Holiness required to commune with God... The lack of ability I have to make myself pure... The magnitude of grace... It all came flooding in. 

I was thinking about how that night must have been for the disciples. They had left their careers, their homes, their families, all to follow Jesus. He had done amazing things in the three years they had spent together. They were already planning out their futures in ministry. Things were looking up and up for Jesus' kingdom. Then all at once it came crashing down. 

I'm sure they didn't have their Leader's death noted in their 5 year plan. Where do you go from there!?! I'm sure the conversations with Jesus they had before this probably popped in their heads. They were probably trying to piece it all together. But realistically, I think they were all hopeless. They were lost and confused.  Check out Luke 24. They were PERPLEXED when they didn't find the body.  When the women returned to tell them Jesus wasn't there they "considered their words as nonsense,"  and after Peter even went to check out the tomb himself, he "wondered what had happened."

The night He had died, they really didn't know what was to come next. The Messiah, whom they had waited centuries for, had just been murdered. 

Maybe they were doubting everything they had invested the last three years into. Maybe they were thinking this was an elaborate hoax, or that Jesus was just a liar with a bunch of magic trip up His sleeve. 

Especially today, I am so thankful I live on this side of the resurrection!!! It must have been a LONG three days for His students. Today we can REJOICE in His victory!!! Friday, we somberly remembered and worshipped Jesus for the price He paid for us. Our debt. Our lashes. Our cross. We 'fess up that it is our fault, and today we celebrate with the victory of Christ. 

Jesus, Thank You. That should always be the first words from our lips. You did this for me. I am an ugly, evil, heartless person without You. Now I can have grace, patience, hope, and mercy for the world around me, knowing that I am not better that anyone else and that You chose to save me. I 'fess up to You that it doesn't matter how big or small of a wrong I've committed, one was enough to banish me from Heaven and for You to pay my price on the cross. May my heart be daily reminded of Your sacrifice for me. 


If you would like to check out Bruce Herman's amazing work, you can do so here:

And it is also on display at New City for this coming First Friday Free event. Details are here.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Palm Sunday

"Now when they drew near to Jerusalem, to  Bethphage and Bethany, at  the Mount of Olives, Jesus  sent  two of his disciples  and said to them,  "Go into the village in front of you, and immediately as you enter it you will find a colt tied,  on which no one has ever sat. Untie it and bring it.    If anyone says to you, "Why are you doing this?" say, "The Lord has need of it and will send it back here immediately."    And they went away and found a colt tied at a door outside in the street, and they untied it.  And some of those standing there said to them, "What are you doing, untying the colt?"  And they told them what Jesus had said, and they let them go.  And they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks on it, and he sat on it. (Mark 11:1-7 ESV)

We read this in church this morning, Palm Sunday. As we were reading, a couple thoughts came to my mind. The first was of this little baby colt.

- Isn't it interesting that Jesus rides into Jerusalem (known as the Triumphant Entry) riding on the back of a young, untrained colt? Seems awkward, right? Back in the day, Kings would enter in on a strong steed when they were coming in victoriously after a battle had been won. When they came in on a donkey, it was a sign that they were coming in peace.

Here, Jesus is fulling one of hundreds of prophecies from the Old Testament that He is the Messiah!

"Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is He, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey." (Zechariah 9:9 ESV)

The name of this event is the other thing that bugs me every year it comes around... TRIUMPHANT Entry?? I've read the story... I know what happens in the coming week... Yes the scriptures follow with the claims of the Jerusalem people... But their shouts are fickle and within the week they will be crying out for His crucifixion!!

"And many spread their cloaks on the road, and others spread leafy branches that they had cut from the fields. And those who went before and those who followed were shouting, "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David! Hosanna in the highest!" (Mark 11:8-10 ESV)

In Aramaic, Hosanna means: Rescue us, Help Us, Save Us, or even "Savior" Their claims were not to save their souls, but some believe they were wanting Him to ignite a revolt against the Roman Empire.

Jesus knew their hearts. He quietly and humbly, on his little colt, rode into town hearing each voice, seeing straight through to their sinful hearts, knowing that His blood was going to be shed for each person there. And here is where the next throught came...

I wonder if this colt knew exactly what his place in history was. Now don't make fun... but the Bible says that the sky and the earth, the fields and trees all praise Him. (Psalm 96:11-13) The sea creatures and the oceans, lightening, hail, snow and clouds... Fruit trees, cedars, wild animals, and cattle all praise Him!? (Psalm 148) and if we slack in our job of praise, even the mountains and rocks will take our place!?" (Romans 1:25) ... Then I would say that this colt knew exactly Who he was giving a ride too.

What an interesting perspective: this small colt, carrying his Creator into town for His triumphant entry. Did he know the praises of the people would be in vain? Did He know of the coming tragedies of the cross? What a somber moment I have as I put myself in the colt's place, experiencing the homage of the people and know the outcome of Christ's submission to the cross for them.

My heart cries out with them, "Save us! Rescue us!" but also, today, acknowledging at what price that redemption will come.

King Jesus, I thank You for this day You rode in, claiming Your place as our Messiah. I will never really understand the price You paid for my redemption, but I commit this week to You and the remembrance of what You did for us on the cross. Thank You for riding in on a colt, the sign of peace that You came with and came to give to us. May I not lose sight of my need for You everyday. I lay my coat before You as my King and proclaim Hosanna!


I want to welcome you to our church if you don't have a place to come worship Jesus this Good Friday. Come as you are, no need to get fancy and proper - all the info is on the website:
Jesus, You are mercy, Jesus, You are justice
Jesus, You are worthy, that is what You are
You died alone to save me, You rose so You could raise me
You did this all to make me a chosen child of God

Worthy is the Lamb that once was slain
To receive all glory, power and praise
For with Your blood You purchased us for God
Jesus, You are worthy, that is what You are

Jesus, You are mercy, Jesus, You are justice
Jesus, You are worthy, that is what You are
You died alone to save me, You rose so You could raise me
You did this all to make me a chosen child of God

Worthy is the Lamb that once was slain
To receive all glory, power and praise
For with Your blood You purchased us for God
Jesus, You are worthy, that is what You are

Perfect sacrifice crushed by God for us
Bearing in Your hurt all that I deserve
Misjudged from my misdeeds, You suffered silently
The only guiltless man in all of history

How worthy is the Lamb that once was slain
To receive all glory, power and praise?
For with Your blood You purchased us for God
Jesus, You are worthy, that is what You are
Jesus, You are worthy, that is what You are

Justice and mercy, justice and mercy
Meet at the cross