Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Wrestling through Job

So a few weeks back... Well, let me be honest, maybe a few months back... God had led me to read though Job. I'm not sure how much you know of me, but here is a brief break down: I grew up in the church, attended Bible College after graduation, and returned to serve in various ministries  over the past 9 years (Jr. High, High School, Women's Ministries, Worship). You would think with how much my life has been surrounded by the Word of God that I would have read through the book of Job by now. . . but no. 

I know the story well. I know the first few chapters and the ending. (That's the most important part, right?) But I began to think, as God had put this book on my heart, "What can all those 42 chapters be full of?!" ... and to be honest, I was nervous for the theme of the book that I was being directed to: Suffering.

If you're not familiar with the book of Job, I strongly suggest that you stop reading this little post and grab your Bible. Pray. Read. Then pray again. 

Job was a "blameless man, of complete integrity." That says a LOT. He endured some pretty legit testing and trials. He lost everything he had, quite literally. His wealth, his animals, his servants, even all his children, and eventually his health. I can't imagine losing one of those, let alone all of them at the exact same time. 

Well, reading through Job has been a journey.  As I read through chapter upon chapter of Job's complaining, and his friend's commentary on why God was doing this to him, I was so confused! I didn't know who was right!? Job? His friends? Both sides had some pretty valid points. It was really frustrating... until my little buddy Elihu entered the scene. 

How rad that the person who God uses to speak Truth to Job is just a kid. Kids are awesome. This is one of the truths God had Elihu share with Job. 

"For the godless are full of resentment. Even when He punishes them, they refuse to cry out to Him for help. They die when they are young, after wasting their lives in immoral living. But by means of their suffering, He rescues those who suffer. For He gets their attention through adversity. “God is leading you away from danger, Job, to a place free from distress. He is setting your table with the best food." (Job 36:13-16 NLT)

These words were so enlightening, so true to my heart. Something I feel to be true, but could never put so eloquently and simply to words. I don't even feel that there is much to commentate on. The Word of God speaks for itself, and applies to everyone. I don't think I've ever met someone who does not suffer in one way or another. As a matter of fact, the people I know who have suffered the most, are the most sincere, loving people, straight from the heart of God. 

... and where does that come from? Is it just who they are? I disagree. I believe these rare gems of God's Kingdom are who they are because of the suffering they have endured. 

I have an amazing friend, Ylisa. If you have met her, I am convinced you are a better person because of it. Ylisa has an amazing story of the suffering God has used in her life. She is by far the best shining example of God's glorious goodness, even in suffering. I HIGHLY suggest you check out her book, which you can find here.  The number one thing I learned from Ylisa, is that suffering brings you closer to God than you were before your trial. You become dependent upon Him. (Isn't that where we should all be anyways?) 

God doesn't just leave us in the midst of adversity. He is "leading us away to a place free from distress."  

My sister in law recently found this in a book passed down from her grandpa:

Photo Cred: Elayna Carrillo

"Trials become triumphs. Burdens become wings."

LORD! Thank You for giving us a fresh perspective on suffering. Thank You for providing Job as an example for us and for the Truths You have spoken through young Elihu. Help our hearts and our minds to come into alignment with Yours, especially when we are suffering. Lastly, we lift up our friends and families going through such tragic, unimaginable circumstances and pray for their hearts to cling to You and triumph in You! 

Before you go, please check out my dear friend Chelsea's Facebook page. Chelsea was my roommate in Bible College. In the subject of suffering, the Payne family is going through a journey that they were not expecting a few weeks ago. Her daughter, Taylor (8) was diagnosed with Non Hodgkins Lymphoma and currently undergoing agressive chemotherapy. Please, if you feel led to help them out, we are trying to raise funds for Taylor to get a wig for when she loses her hair. (Donations excepted HERE)

Please, friends, let me know if there is anything you need prayer for or even if you just need to talk.

And as for Job? Well, you'll just have to read the book to find out the ending! I promise its a good one.


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