Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Day Four

I hate for this to sounds selfish but it will. I had a difficult time being thankful today. We had a very late night (actually early morning) last night and two of three very grumpy girls this morning. No one was getting along for most of the day. I was dertermined to be thankful despite the clear hurdles of complaints I could be offering instead. 

THANKS #10 is for maternity leave. I would officially be going back to work this week, however God graciously provided for me to stay home the full 12 weeks and I am SO grateful for that!!! That means more time with these ladies!
(We had a difficult time getting out of bed this morning, so instead we stayed and snuggled and played games and watched movies.)

Charlemaine brought me up a "Vanilla Cream Coffee" after hearing I really REALLY wanted coffee. 

They love Little Lu so much I constantly have to tell them to stop smothering her!

THANKS #11 is for memories. As I was struggling this morning to not complain, I started to flip through some happy photos of times we shared as a family. I'm so happy to have photos to remember and look back fondley of, but also to retain those experiences and be able to recall them. Here are a few:
(Jovee giving me love a few months ago... she has the best smile, just like her daddy)

A few years ago, on our way to my wonderful Aunt Laura's memorial service in Bullhead City. It seems weird to look back on this time fondley, but it really was a sweet time with family and I know she was celebrating her life with us from Heaven. 

Ricky and I before kids in early 2008 (Technically, I was pregnant with Charlemaine, but didn't know it yet!) He is so handsome in the pic! This was at a winter camp with our highschool youth group in Carlsbad.

Our first offical week long family vacation to California in 2013. It was amazing and relaxing and adventurous!

What? A beautiful day in Phoenix?! We spent hours at the part this day with our friends Emiko, Melissa and Mikio. 

One of my favorite pictures of us! On our way to my 10 year highschool reunion with my hot man to show off! :) Actually, I was pregnant with Lucia here and didn't know it either!

I could go on forever! I love looking back at old pictures. It really helps me cherish my life, and focus on the now because time goes by so fast!

THANKS #12: A late night: The day is almost over. Technically 3 more minutes left. I am so thankful to be up late writing this, because I spent my day just hanging out with my kids, snuggling my sweet little Sparrow, going to swimming lessons, Bible Study, dinner with good friends, rocking and nursing my little babe to sleep... It really was a beautiful, special, and full day!!!